S. No |
Station | Code | Website |
1 | Adventist World Radio | #AWRURDU | http://as-sw.awr.org/pk/urd |
2 | All India Radio | #AIRURDU | http://allindiaradio.gov.in |
3 | Athmeeya Yatra R.(GFA) | #GFAURDU | http://www.ayasia.org/ |
4 | BBC Urdu | #BBCURDU | http://www.bbc.co.uk/urdu/ |
5 | Bible Voice | #VOBURDU | http://www.bvbroadcasting.org/ |
6 | China Radio International | #CRIURDU | http://urdu.cri.cn/ |
7 | Deutsche Welle | #DWURDU | http://dw.de/urdu |
8 | Family Radio | #FAMURDU | http://www.familyradio.com/ |
9 | Feba Radio | #FEBAURDU | http://www.febapak.org/ |
10 | Feba Radio | #FEBAURDU | http://www.feba.org.uk/ |
11 | HCJB | #HCJBURDU | http://www.hcjb.org/ |
12 | Radio Bangladesh | #BETARURDU | http://www.betar.org.bd/ |
13 | Radio Cairo | #ERTUURDU | http://ertu.org/1/ |
14 | Radio Japan | #NHKURDU | www.nhk.or.jp/urdu |
15 | Radio Kuwait | #RKWURDU | http://www.media.gov.kw/ |
16 | Radio Pakistan | #PBCURDU | http://www.radio.gov.pk/ |
17 | Radio Saudi Arab | #RSAURDU | http://sr.sa/ |
18 | Radio Tehran | #IRIBURDU | http://urdu.irib.ir |
19 | Radio Veritas Asia | #RVAURDU | http://www.rveritas-asia.org/ |
20 | Radio Veritas Asia | #RVAURDU | http://www.rveritas-asia.org/ |
21 | The Voice Asia | #CVCURDU | http://thevoiceasia.com/ |
22 | Trans World Radio | #TWRURDU | http://www.twr.org/ |
23 | Vatican Radio | #RVURDU | http://ur.radiovaticana.va |
24 | Voice of America | #VOAURDU | http://www.urduvoa.com/ |
25 | Voice of Russia | #VORURDU | http://urdu.ruvr.ru/ |
26 | Voice of Turkey | #TRTURDU | http://www.trturdu.com/ |
27 | Savera | #SAVCVC | http://thevoiceasia.com |
29 | Anand Hi Anand | #ANACVC | http://thevoiceasia.com |
30 | Khushboo | #KHUCVC | http://thevoiceasia.com |
31 | Sahara | #SAHCVC | http://thevoiceasia.com |
32 | Chahat | #CHACVC | http://thevoiceasia.com |
33 | Aradhana | #ARACVC | http://thevoiceasia.com |
34 | Mauj Masti | #MAUCVC | http://thevoiceasia.com |
35 | Humsafar | #HUMCVC | http://thevoiceasia.com |
36 | Milap | #MILCVC | http://thevoiceasia.com |
37 | Dil se Dil | #DILCVC | http://thevoiceasia.com |
38 | Aaina | #AAICVC | http://thevoiceasia.com |
39 | Shubh Sandesh | #SHUCVC | http://thevoiceasia.com |
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Saturday, 8 February 2014
# Codes
About Zahoor Solangi
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Author Details
Radio hobby was inherited from my father, he would listen All India Sindhi and Urdu Service. First time I listen local radio station as Radio Pakistan Khairpur, Hyderabad and Multan when I was just a student of third class.
WDF+LogoThen I listened to Voice of Russian Urdu Service and Radio Zahidan Urdu Service.